With the left pad and right joystick, select the type of grenade and press release. Afterwards, pressing the same left directional pad will fire the grenade, then it will switch to right os, move right joystick to aim, then right trigger to throw. XahRith16 edited the file at 14:45 PM on 07-29-2018.
Afterwards, you may use them by using R1 or RB, as well as selecting them on the inventory. It is possible to keep throwing an item wherever your reticle points if you hold down the button while reading.
Far Cry 5 How To Throw Grenade
raketoff Catch the screenshots from the menu Spoiler Can help. if you can throw a can or a stone, change them in the inventory for grenades. PS Do not be lazy to climb to the settings in the control section, in order to know the control buttons. Here is such a pun. :)
GuyverDark Yes, I climbed to the settings, first they shoveled. Stone throws. If instead of a rock you need a grenade to shove, how? Really do not understand. I told you I opertaional ALL. Maybe a bug of what? Reinstalled to try? If you will understand yourself, I will write here in detail. Still I hope that there are people here who are now playing it on PS - prompt. First time with this garbage on the console face. Thanks for trying)
Understand: choose your weapon selector right thing for throwing. Held the down arrow button (a stone throw) and keep it pressed click R1. All. Grenade flies)) In the instructions to the control it is not. Maybe someone else will come in handy. Thank you all for participating!
The Throwing Knife is a silent weapon that can be a one-shot kill with a direct hit on the target. The crosshair for the knife is a very small dot, and accuracy is key when using this weapon. Throwing knives will also grant double skins off animals if they are successfully killed by one. It must be noted that while it is a one-hit kill against most enemies, Royal Guard Defenders and Rocketeers will sometimes take up to three throwing knives to kill, making them a poor choice for Nothern Kyrat. Also, heavies of all three kinds are very resistant to throwing knives, and one will run out of throwing knives before they are able to kill one unless a quick restock is made.
I've been trying to figure out how to use the throwing knives, but can't find anything about them in the game's help. I see that I have access to a weapon wheel by pressing L1, however when I select the knives the assault rifle remains equipped.
Grenades are part of the game, along with several other throwable weapons but equipping them is a little unconventional. Grenades, for some reason, are now part of your supremo weapon. In order to change from molotov cocktails to another type of weapon, you will need to go digging into the supremo menu.
To equip grenades or any throwable in Farcry 6, you will need to find a workbench. The workbench will allow you to equip addons and mods to your supremo. Your throwable weapon is stored as part of the supremo weapon, just like how scopes and similar items are applied to weapons.
You can then select the grenade from your D-pad on consoles or the bound key on PC. When you pull up the weapon wheel, you will see the list of items in your supremo that you can apply to your throwable consumable slot on the weapon wheel.
Follow the quest marker and you'll find a group of cultists. Take them out and Peaches will still be nowhere to be seen, but you can lure her out by throwing some meat down on the ground. Activate your weapon wheel and hover over the throwable items, then scroll right until you've selected the meat. Now throw the meat down like you'd throw a grenade. Peaches will run out and eat it.
With Peaches now out, you need to throw meat along a path that leads you and her back to the Taxidermy. The direct route will see you come up against a ravine, so make sure you take the bridge across. Don't throw the meat too far ahead each time or else Peaches won't be able to smell it and she won't move.
Once you reach the Taxidermy you'll find a whole load of cultists there. Take them out and then lure Peaches into her pen by throwing the meat inside. Once she's inside, talk to Ms Mable and Peaches will be added to your roster of Specialists.
Most weapons have their pros and cons, but the flamethrower? Only cons. The amount of time it takes to fry an enemy is someone who could have easily just gone down to a few bullets. And since most battles take place outside in the grass and trees, and encounter with a flamethrower will almost certainly set the entire area on fire, including you and your companions. Nothing like reviving your downed, flaming dog in the middle of a wildfire you created as you, yourself, are also on fire. Get your flamethrower achievement kills, then never touch the thing again.
Explosives are out-most important during combat in Gears 5, it will let you to take down multiple enemies instantly and also kill stronger one. During the Boot Camp we found two types of Grenades in Gears 5, the first on is regular Frag Grenade the explodes and has a decent radius and second is a Shock Grenade. This one can be use as a trap to take down multiple enemies so that you can kill them with a Execution. So lets begin with our Gears 5 Explosive guides on how to use grenades.
Press E to interact with the Frags to collect Grenades. You can carry around four at a time. After this you select the Grenade to use, on PC it is simple by pressing Number Key 4. While on Xbox you have to press B. There are two ways of using a Frag Grenade, first by throwing it on the spot you want and second using a Blind Throw.
To Blind Throw grenade, first take cover by pressing Space key and then wait for the enemies to approach you. The grenade has a good radius so not far enough throw it on the exact spot by adjusting the camera and boom. Second way is by pressing the Mouse Left Click first to cook the grenade and adjusting your throw angle. a Blue line appears that will tell you the spot where it can land and then press Mouse Right Click to release the Frag Grenade on enemy. Adjust the location properly, grenades will be limited in the game, so use it on stronger enemies or for crowd control.
Another form of explosive in Gears 5 is a Shock Grenade, ideal to dry out enemies health this grenade can be placed on walls. It will create a electric shock wave causing high damage to single or multiple enemies whoever are in the range. Shock Grenade is an ideal weapon to use when you find yourself trap or if enemies are following you. It can give you the right window to dry out enemies health and then just one bullet to kill.
You begin the game with a melee weapon slot and two slots for guns (plus, you can carry a number of chuckables, from dynamite to grenades to proximity mines to throwing knives). Two gun slots just isn't enough for a game like this, however, and unlike previous Far Cry games, you can't craft additional holsters from animal skins.
So, save up your perk points to unlock a third and fourth holster as soon as you can. This will give you a weapon for every encounter: A sniper rifle for distance, a shotgun or SMG for close encounters, an RPG for taking out planes and vehicles, and a pistol for when you run out of ammo for everything else. Or do what Sparky up there does and carry a flamethrower.
If you've got your eye on a new perk that costs a lot of points, and you're just a few shy of unlocking it, take a quick look at your challenges tab (marked by a medallion). Scroll through the list: it'll show how close you are to completing the various challenges and earning points. Since you'll advance through challenges just by playing the game, you're probably close to a few already, and if you see, for example, that you only need a couple more grenade kills to complete the challenge, you can just walk into your next battle and throw a bunch of grenades to nab those points.
Far Cry 5 substantially alters the systems of previous games, with some improvements and some rather strange omissions. The player character starts off able to carry two firearms: one slot is fixed to a "sidearm" that can be used in vehicles, while the other can be any weapon the player desires. The two additional slots are unlocked via a perk system (as the system of crafting inventory-expanding items from animal skins has been completely removed: skins are now exclusively to sell for money), with points in this system gained by completing in-game challenges to do a thing a certain number of times, or by finding survivalist manuals that are worth one perk point each. The inventory also has three slots for throwing equipment each of which has three options: the arsenal includes molotovs, remote and proximity C4 charges, fragmentation grenades, dynamite, pipe bombs, throwing knives, smoke grenades, and "bait" for drawing animals to a specific location. All of these are assigned a single generic "throw" button, so some fiddling around can be necessary to locate the right one. Some of these weapons can be crafted from items found in the game world, but most can only be picked up. A secondary "utility" menu contains items such as the fishing rod, repair tool, craftable "homeopathic" boosts which are certainly not drugs, and so on. Oddly, the health restoring syrettes are now medkits, and it is impossible to craft more while on the go: as compensation the player character's entire health bar will now regenerate rather than it being divided into segments.
The fifth Live Event added a special variant of the RPG-7, the "Shovel Launcher:" this was acquired for killing and skinning 10 wolves, apparently to gather their collars. It is not particularly difficult to guess what this variant does, particularly when the "aimed" fire mode for the shovel melee weapon already throws it like a javelin. It runs on special "shovel rounds" and functions rather like the Harpoon Gun from the previous game, including the use of ridiculous knockback physics and allowing the recovery of fired shovels in the same manner as arrows. When the challenge ended a Prestige version called "Big Farma" (see what they did there?) was added to the store. 2ff7e9595c